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Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders San Pedro and Long Beach California

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Recovery NOW, Inc. Offering Sliding Scale Arise Interventions!!

Sliding Scale Arise Interventions

Limited Time Offer!! We are pleased to announce Alicia MacGowan, LCSW, LAADC completed Intervention training with ARISE July 9th to the 11th sponsored by Center for Dependency, Addiction and Rehabilitation (CEDAR) at the University of Colorado Hospital.  The training had additional sponsors which presented and are all reputable programs: Balboa Horizons Malibu Beach Sober Living Vista Taos A Mission for Michael Solid Landings Bridge to Recovery Elements Behavioral Health Foundations Recovery Network     Alicia has been doing Interventions since 2008 utilizing the Johnson Model and decided to receive this additional training since the research on this model of Intervention has a very high long-term success rate. “The Model seems to fit my style of practice very well.”   Alicia must in the next 6 months complete 2 interventions and receives weekly 1-hour Group Clinical Supervision via teleconferencing for 6 months in order to receive final certification.  She is now a Clinical Intern after completion of the 3 day Training.   The distinct differences between the Johnson Model and ARISE Model are:  

  1. The Intervention is not a surprise.  The Addicted Individual is invited and aware of the whole process.
  2. The Intervention process is over 3 to 6 months which includes continuing care group meetings for all individuals participating in the Intervention
  3. The focus is on the whole system, family, friends & co-workers and making sure that everyone in the system is getting whatever outside resources they need

  Alicia is offering a very special opportunity for those interested.  She will complete her first 4 ARISE Interventions on a sliding scale.     “I am not able to offer the same sliding-scale for my usual Interventions; this is only for ARISE Interventions.  On our current Interventions we refund ½ of the cost if the Intervention is not successful.    Since I am doing these Interventions on a sliding scale, I will not offer this same opportunity.  I am not qualified to do Interventions on adolescents therefore my Interventions are always limited to adults.”   Assisting all families, employers and addicted individuals has always been Alicia’s goal.  She has a special interest in helping Healthcare Professionals such as Mental Health Professionals, Substance Abuse Professionals, Nurses and Doctors.  These are individuals of special interest, since she herself understands how the demands of being a Helping Professional may increase the risk of substance abuse and/or mental illness.  A formal Intervention may be the only way to assist these individuals with recognizing their need for treatment.   Here is the link to ARISE for more information and a brief summary of the Model from the ARISE website: The ARISE Intervention is directed towards getting the addicted loved one into treatment with the least possible effort through a loving, compassionate and non-blaming First Call and First Meeting. The support system is mobilized to form a committed Intervention Network to motivate the addicted individual into treatment. Phase A has three levels and the goal is to stop at the first level that works:

  • Level 1, “The First Call”, starts when a Concerned Other calls a Certified ARISE Interventionist for a free phone consultation, and is coached to set up the First Meeting of the Intervention Network. 56% of addicted individuals enter treatment at Level 1.
  • Level 2, “Strength in Numbers”, begins If they have not entered treatment during Level 1. The Intervention Network acts as a Board of Directors, so no one deals one-on-one with the addicted individual. By the end of 2 to 5 Intervention Network meetings, 80% of addicted individuals have entered treatment.
  • Level 3, “The Formal ARISE Intervention”, is held if treatment entry has not occurred during Level 2. At this meeting serious consequences are put in place if the addicted individual does not enter treatment. By this point, 83% of addicted individuals have entered treatment.

ARISE Continuing Care begins when the addicted individual enters treatment, and lasts for 6 months. The goals are individual and family healing and recovery. It includes, if possible, the family and individual becoming involved in 12-step program. The Certified ARISE Interventionist works collaboratively with the addicted individual, the treatment center, and the family to ensure treatment completion, relapse prevention, and the resolution of grief and other problems at the root of the pain and the addictive disease. ARISE Continuing Care focuses on the Certified ARISE Interventionist working with the Intervention Network and addicted individual to prevent relapse, initiate long-term recovery, and complete the work towards family healing and recovery. This includes ensuring that work, life style, social circle, family relationships and personal decisions made for personal growth in Continuing Care are happening for individual and family.   A special thanks to all of our trainers Dr. Landau, Sara Hills, LPC, CAC III, CAI and James Ott, LCSW, CAI, CIP.  I am looking forward to working with all the wonderful Professionals I trained with.     CEDAR Tour: While I was at CEDAR in Colorado I had the opportunity to receive a tour of the Treatment Center.  The grounds were spectacular and serene.  The facility was very clean and well maintained.  It was especially nice that they separated the Treatment Center from the Hospital and the facility had the appearance of a Wooded Lodge from the outside.  I found the CEDAR to be very inviting. Their program appears to be truly able to assist those dually diagnosed.  Many Treatment Centers make this promise, but do not have enough Licensed Staff, proper staff to patient ratio and knowledge to assist individuals with a mental illness and a substance abuse problem.  They also have the ability to assist with severe medical problems related to substance use, since they are on Hospital grounds. In addition CEDAR has a Physician Health Program (PHP) treatment track.  Unfortunately the state of California, unlike many other states, does not offer any sort of Diversion Program for Physicians.  Often this lack of Diversion Programs makes it difficult for our Doctors to receive necessary treatment due to fear of California Medical Board intervention and loss of License. The Staff appear to be very qualified.  Everyone I met was very genuine and helpful.  Overall I look forward to the possibility of coordinating Patient care with CEDAR in the near future.  

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