Andrew Warren, ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW has to mindfully practice gratitude.
“Mom and Dad were so much tougher on me.” We’ve heard this before or maybe we even said it. Is it true? Maybe, but probably not. The link below is a Freakonomics Radio podcast featuring psychologists Thomas Gilovich and Shai Davidai. They discuss our general tendency to think that we have it harder than others; our bias to focus on our barriers rather than our advantages. Take a listen.
Andrew Warren, ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW understands that we all need to slow down.
Our sympathetic nervous system activates our “fight or flight” response in stressful situations; it can be activated by day-to-day stress. Think of it as putting your foot on the gas. Now, think of our parasympathetic nervous system as the brake. The article linked below provides tips on how we can press the brake, especially if our foot has been on the gas for too long and too often.
Source: Pexels
Andrew Warren, ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW understands that you need to get away sometimes.
We have given ourselves plenty of reasons to not make travel plans. The article linked below gives us 5 reasons to squash the naysayer in our head and make that trip a reality.
Source: Pexels
Andrew Warren ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW wishes you peaceful Mindfulness Monday.
Many of us need the mental marker of a holiday to give ourselves permission to slow everything down. Memorial Day is a holiday that can elicit perspective and gratitude especially when we think of the meaning of the holiday. Take a moment to think about Memorial Day and to remind yourself what you are grateful for.
Source: Pexels
Andrew Warren ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW wishes you a prosperous Wellness Wednesday.
We often use platitudes when we attempt to comfort those who are suffering. Although we have good intentions, those banalities may not be as helpful as we think. Linked below is an article that provides four tips on how we can be supportive to those in need.
Source: Pexel
“Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” – Paul Tillich
Andrew Warren, ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW wishes you a Mindful Monday
It’s not easy but take a breath and try to be present in the moment that is right in front of you.
Andrew Warren, ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW wishes you a Mindful Monday
It’s not easy, but take a deep breath and be in the moment that is right in front of you.
Andrew Warren, ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW understands that sometimes taking a nap is self-care.
We’ve all been there, it’s mid-afternoon and we are can barely keep our eyes open. You may think to yourself, “should I build a bed under my desk like George Costanza?” That might not be such an outlandish idea as you read the article linked below from the National Sleep Foundation. Send the link to your boss in case your napping desk is ever discovered.
Andrew Warren ASW, Psychotherapist at Recovery NOW encourages mental wellness with the following tips.
You’ve been at your job for a few years. A promotion here, your own parking space there, and cake in the break room. So why has your motivation fizzled out? Dan Pink has some ideas that he shares in the TED video below.