Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders
San Pedro and Long Beach California

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders San Pedro and Long Beach California

(310) 957-2099
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Accepting Most Insurances

Eating Disorder Assessment Tool

How can I tell if I have a problem with food or eating? Here’s a simple Self Scoring Assessment Tool.

Answer these 6 questions honestly:

  1. Do you feel like you sometimes lose or have lost control over how you eat?
  2. Do you ever make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
  3. Do you believe yourself to be fat, even when others say you are too thin?
  4. Does food or thoughts about food dominate your life?
  5. Do thoughts about changing your body or your weight dominate your life?
  6. Have others become worried about your eating or weight?
In this informal survey, 2 or more “yes” answers strongly indicate the presence of disordered eating. Adapted from the Scoff Questionnaire by Morgan, Reid & Lacy-BMJ, 1999.  

Meet Our Eating Disorders Specialist

Jamie hayworth-Chin, LMFT