Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders
San Pedro and Long Beach California

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders San Pedro and Long Beach California

(310) 957-2099
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Accepting Most Insurances

Eating Disorders Treatment

What are Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are complex, serious, medical and psychiatric illnesses that take more lives than any other psychiatric disorder. Eating disorders cause severe disturbances in eating behaviors including purging, severe overeating, extreme calorie reduction, excessive exercise, and extreme distress about body weight and shape.

How can I tell if I have a problem with food or eating?

Here’s a simple Self Scoring Assessment Tool.

(insert link to eating disorder assessment provided on the word document)

Eating disorders are not a choice but you can choose recovery and fortunately treatment is available.  The first step is reaching out. Recovery is possible. There is hope.  Please contact our eating disorders specialist at Recovery NOW to schedule an appointment.