Moderate Drinking vs. Alcohol Dependence: Understanding the Difference
Join our Moderation Management Group or Recovery Choices Group! A drink is defined as: Definitively, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services considers moderate drinking

April is Alcohol Awareness Month
Every April for the past 29 years, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence has put the spotlight on alcohol abuse, raising awareness of its

Depression Vaccine on the Horizon?
By Donna Balancia Depression may not be genetic or a result of poor nutrition, obesity or other causes, a new study indicates. Rather, major depressive

When Loving is Too Much: What Codependency is and What it is Not
Many people live in codependency for many years or even decades with realizing the unhealthy nature of their relationships. In its simplest form, codependency is

Living in the Moment: Don’t Let Your Past or Future Hinder Your Present
Buddha once said, “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate

Creating and Keeping New Year’s Resolutions that Stick
New Year’s Day is a time to turn over a new leaf and resolve to do the things we wish we would have been doing

A New Addition to Recovery NOW, Therapist Jamie Hayworth-Chin
Jamie Hayworth-Chin, LMFT San Pedro Psychotherapist Individual, Family, and Relationship Therapy Jamie Hayworth-Chin uses an integrative approach grounded in family systems therapy to help clients

Drug and Alcohol Use during the Holidays
It’s that time of year again when stockings line the chimneys, holiday music fills the air and shoppers begin searching for the perfect gifts. For

Educate Yourself. Teach Others. #ADHD
Educate Yourself. Teach Others. #ADHD Spread the Word During ADHD Awareness Month October 2014 October is ADHD Awareness Month! CHADD encourages you to educate